A series of colloquia with GVSU faculty members, staff members, and our community partners on community-based teaching, learning, and research.

Find more information about each seminar through the links below or contact Ruth Stegeman, Assistant Dean and Director of the Office of Community Engagement at stegemar@gvsu.edu. 

Dialogue for Reciprocity
September 19, 2014
This session focused on quick and effective pedagogical techniques, in-and out-of-class activities, and larger-scale projects for preparing students to engage tension and explore the creative possibilities in difference.

Click here for more information

Start With Why
October 17, 2014
This session explored questions and processes for the investigation and initiation stages of a partnership to ensure meaningful benefit for each participant.

Click here for more information

Pairing Student Development with Community-based Learning
November 21, 2014
At this session participants learned ways to design in-and out-of-class activities that align with student capabilities and developmental readiness.

Click here for more information

Community-based Learning as Justice-oriented Education
January 16, 2015
This session discussed approaches to developing students’ understanding of identity, oppression, and root causes and to preventing “toxic charity.”

Click here for more information

Partnership Showcase
January 30, 2015
The Partnership Showcase allowed faculty, community partners, and students to engage with presenters about current community-based research projects. The event was an opportunity for participants to get an overview on how community engagement is initiated and carried out, while also gathering ideas for community projects that connect with their specific teaching and research interests. 

Click here for more information

Community-based Teaching in a Wicked World
March 20, 2015
At this session, participants explored strategies for preparing students to confront dynamically complex, interdependent, high-stakes issues through an experiential, collaborative learning model.

Click here for more information

Making Synergy Count at GVSU
April 17, 2015
At this session, participants learned ways to structure their work to efficiently manage issues related to teaching, researching and the service portion or service learning. 

Click here for more information

Page last modified May 25, 2016